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Broccoli is rich in a sulfur-containing plant compound called glucosinolate, as well as its byproduct sulforaphane (8).
Researchers in animal and test-tube studies have extensively explored sulforaphane’s ability to protect against cancer (9Trusted Source).
This cruciferous veggie may help prevent other types of chronic disease as well.
One small study found that broccoli sprouts decreased levels of several markers of inflammation, which have been linked to chronic conditions such as heart disease (10Trusted Source).
Just 1 cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli provides 77% of the DV for vitamin K, 90% of the DV for vitamin C, and a good amount of folate, manganese, and potassium (11Trusted Source).
Broccoli contains sulforaphane, a compound that may protect against cancer. It’s also loaded with vitamins and minerals
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- Details : address1, kerala, india